Back to school must haves

With only 6 weeks of summer holidays you’d think we’d all be prepared once September rolls around. There are some parents who get it all done straight away and then there is me.

A mad dash to the shops for the bits your child needs (and the bits they don’t need but want).

Besides school uniform here are some back to school must haves;

If your child is going to be taking their lunch to school they will need a really good lunch bag, one that will last! We reviewed the Smash ranges from Tesco, Sainsburys and Asda.

September is one of those awkward weather months and while most of the time it’s cold and rainy you can’t rule out the sun. These solar buddies* are great to pop into your little ones school bag. Easy to use with the sponge and roller and you can put your choice of sun cream in.

school must haves

As well as a lunch bag your child will need a bag / back pack and stationery. There are endless options for all budgets but I love this personalised llama one from*. It’s cute and colourful and a decent size. Pops won’t be carrying too much so doesn’t need a massive one. We’ve got lots of different stationery, these are some of our favourites; UHU glitter glue for crafts, Smelly pencils from Scentco  and some colouring pens from Stabilo. If you’re on a budget then check out PoundLand or Home Bargains, they have plenty of amazing options.

school must haves

Are there any children out there that don’t end up losing everything? Stikets have a great basic pack to make sure if your little one does lose anything they can be found / returned to them. (these work for people who work somewhere with lots of people too!).

school must haves

Children shouldn’t just learn between 9-3 on a weekday, I think we should be making everything a learning experience. To encourage kids outside school you can even pick up some learning books.

school must havesTo keep the brain going strong and those tummies full you’ll need to pack some really yummy treats for lunch time. These goodies from Rhythm 108* are all vegan and delicious. Great tasting and a great source of fibre.

Now Pops is in full time shoe she will be wearing her shoes for the majority of the day so its important that they are good quality and comfortable. These Trixie T-Bar* shoes are so cute but they have so many great styles to choose from. Use code BK2SCL for 20% off (not sure when the code ends – check their website)

New school year comes new friends and with new friends comes parties. Make sure you are prepared for those last minute party invites with some cheap sale finds for gifts and a nice little party dress. This beautiful dress from La Coqueta is perfect for all year round with its long sleeves and pretty floral print. The quality of this dress is amazing and will definitely last you through the year.

Have you got everything ready? Can you think of anything I’ve missed off the list?

Until the next post,

Are and Pops.

Items marked * were sent to include in the post, all opinions are our own.

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