I feel as I’ve gotten older I’ve enjoyed my birthday less and less. I’ve always had this false sense of how life should be magical and perfect (Damn fairytales) but it seems that it doesn’t really matter how low I set my expectations. I always get a bit let down.

The song “Its my birthday ill cry if I want to” sums me up really… I can’t actually remember the last birthday I didn’t cry for some reason or another.

Life doesn’t get to stop for a birthday anymore now I’m a mum, as much as it’s my day (not this year, thanks easter) I’m still mum, I still have my mummy duties (which I love…sometimes) and I think it just seems silly to try and make it all about me.

Maybe I’m selfish thinking it’s MY day? Sometimes I miss having days that I can just do what I want although when I do get the rare few hours off I don’t know what to do with myself!

Do you allow time for yourself?? How do you balance being a mum and doing things you love and enjoy?

Did you find it hard to ‘find’ yourself when you became a mum?

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