I may very well have been under a rock for however many years but I didn’t know lush did things for kids!

Pops and I went into Cardiff last week to meet my big sister and beaut of a nephew, we got there pretty early and Pops had fallen asleep so I decided to have a mooch in lush to kill some time.

What Lush for kids products did they have?

They had a cute little blue robot. I was surprised they didn’t have a ‘girly’ version seeing as most of their other items are girly but I think I like that. What’s to say that a blue robot isn’t girly anyway?

The lovely girl in the shop showed me how it fizzed and got me to feel the water and it was so silky! Knowing that Ave was visiting and he and Pops could share a bath I thought it would be a lovely little treat for them.

I started to run the bath as normal and placed the little robot in and it instantly started fizzing and turning the water a lovely milky blue colour. It doesn’t last as long as the bigger ones so you’re probably best waiting for the kids to be in the bath before placing it in, so they get a chance to watch it fully.

The water felt so nice and smelt amazing, the kids skin felt lovely after and pops didn’t have any reaction so I’ll definitely buy her one again.

The ickle baby bot contains lavender and camomile oils so it makes it so relaxing and soft. You can find the other ingredients on their website.

Although it’s a ‘baby’ product I think it would suit any age! It’s a great option if you have quicker or smaller baths so you’re not wasting a bigger one.

What other lush for kids items are there?

Let them enjoy bath time with this bubble blowing bubble bar. The bubble bars are reusable so you can use as little or as much as you want per bath!

If your kids like bathing in jelly then check out the adorable Turtle jelly bomb. This wouldn’t be for me but kids love that sort of thing.

Do you struggle to get your kids to wash their hands? Lush Fun is amazing to encourage kids to actually wash. Moldable cleansers in loads of different scents and colours.

What’s your favourite lush product?

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