We went along yesterday for the first time. Before Pops came along MM and I used to go to the London one every year (when we lived there) but didn’t feel Pops was old enough to enjoy it the past 2 years we’ve lived in Wales.

First impressions were so good, you walk in and it’s so bright and colourful and everywhere you look people are having fun. The rides and games are token based and dotted around are token machines and token ‘huts’ (with someone serving them). It’s £1 a token and rides/games range from 1 to 5 tokens.

We made our way around the wonderland checking out the rides, Pops hasn’t gone on many before so I wanted her to watch them go round first to decide which she wanted to go on (nothing worse then the ride starting and they want off)

We started by going on the big wheel -5 tokens each.

MM is scared of heights (unless it’s a log ride- I don’t get the logic either) so the whole way round he was like a statue which made Pops wanting the wheel to spin all the more funny.

I wasn’t sure how many things she would be able to go on at her age but there was so many toddler friendly rides it was amazing… I think all but 2 she was able to go on.

On the walk back round from the big wheel MM and Pops went on the reindeer ride -3 tokens, she loved watching it go round but I thought she’d be so scared as it was pretty fast… I was wrong, she loved it! As the reindeer went round snow (soapy bubbles) shoot out and cover the riders and she loved showing and telling me once she come off.

Then Pops chose to go on the merry go round style thing which was only 1 token (parents can go on free) she wanted to drive the bus and then once it stopped wanted to go again but this time up on the top of the bus while daddy drove (there’s no way he would have fit inside so he bent down outside haha)

Then back to the reindeer for a second go but with me this time (hesitantly, she wanted daddy again) she was getting so sleepy at this point she was holding her eyes on the ride to stay wake (movement makes her fall asleep so easy) so we decided that would be the last ride and start heading back.

As we walked around to get to the exit we heard Disney songs and who was on stage? Anna and Elsa! Obviously she was now wide awake and wanting to dance with them (didn’t hurt they were handing out sweets) about half hour later we headed home.

Later that night was DATE NIGHT (that never happens but my mum was down and watched Pops) and we were headed into cardiff and while we were at winter wonderland we saw a ride we both wanted to go on (no toddler ride) so went and did it. It was so fast and fun but it killed my neck,  MM went round the whole time laughing (the nervous scary ride laugh both him and his dad do)
Day time Winter Wonderland is so nice but night time Winter Wonderland is stunning.


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