We had an absolute nightmare when we went on holiday. We went from an almost completely potty trained pops to basically the opposite once we got home.

If I can give any advice with potty training it would be to keep consistent and don’t go on holiday while you’re doing it!

The past month we’ve struggled with deciding what to do and although pops  has used the potty the majority is accidents with a few potty moments where before it was the other way round.  I don’t want to pressure pops but it’s so frustrating when she was doing it before… that’s most annoying part.

We know she can so why isn’t she?

We decided to give her a little break and wear the pull ups more throughout the day but we’ve made sure to keep asking if she needs the potty, making sure to keep it close and a big part of normal life. We were sent a my carry potty (review coming soon) and we’ve been taking that out with us and have had some success with that (I think it’s because it’s so cute) so we will see how it goes.

Has this ever happened to your little one?
I’d love some advice/tips/tricks if you’ve got any!

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