The new toy range from Blippi and Jazwares. (AD/GIFTED)

If you have kids under the age of 5 then you probably know who Blippi is and if your little ones are anything like mine then the new Blippi toys by Jazwares will be a bit hit with them.

This post contains gifted items and affiliate links.

When your kids get into shows it’s standard that they will want toys relating to it, when that show is a YouTube show it’s pretty hard to find decent ones. (I’m speaking from experience) I was so impressed with the quality and range of toys Blippi and Jazwares have brought out.

Things you may be wondering…

What new Blippi toys are available?

From a speaking plush to surprise eggs there are some really great options.

Blippi Ball Pit Surprise – £3.99

The ball pit surprise is most definitely my favourite and such good value for money in my opinion. If you saw my Instagram post you would have heard me say this already but at £3.99 it’s a great little toy and the figure inside is a really playable size. Much better than some surprise toys I’ve bought in the past.

Blippi Mini Vehicles – £5.99

A lot of the essence of the show is around learning how different machines and vehicles work and what they do so I’m not surprised they included these in the range. Each one has a little Blippi driver (non removable) and a unique feature. You can get a fire truck, garbage truck, excavator and Blippi Mobile.

Blippi Surprise Boxes (Learn colours and Learn numbers – 2 seperate boxes) – £9.99 per set

I love the idea of this one but considering the boxes are made of card I just can’t see it lasting in our house. I think that doing this style but in the ball form would have been much better, more expensive but much better quality and longer lasting.

Be Like Blippi Role Play – £11.99

A really simple and cute way for your little ones to show off their love of Blippi. Much more comfortable and affordable than doing a whole costume. Plus because it’s not a specific size they can grow with it.

My Buddy Blippi – £17.99

You can’t have a toy range without a speaking plush can you? We have about 5 different ones around the house for different shows. Squeeze this 16″ plush’s belly to hear 15 Blippi sounds and phrases.

Where can I buy Blippi toys –

They are available to buy from Smyths, Argos, Tesco, Asda, Entertainer, Amazon and ‘all good retailers’ ( I always find it funny when they say things like).

Be careful buying them on Amazon though because I’ve seen people selling them at a higher price so check you’re buying from a legit store!

Have you read through all of that and you’re thinking…

Who is Blippi?

Blippi is an American children’s entertainer and educator on YouTube and Amazon Video. He is full of energy and dresses in bright orange and blue. The character was created by Stevin John who also plays him (although he will be played by a different person in the live shows planned.)

What type of videos does Blippi do?

Think Pee Wee Herman meets Timmy Mallett in the 21st century. The shows have a really big learning element to them but are fun and colourful too. When I first watched a Blippi video I wasn’t a big fan but after seeing some of the content available to kids on Youtube the idea of Blippi (however loud and over the top) didn’t seem so bad.

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