The news about toddlers being expelled from pre schools has hit home with me because I have a biting toddler.

Pops is such a loving, kind and gentle little girl. I find that she gets so frustrated sometimes and I can see that she’s angry and lashes out which can mean waving her arms around biting herself, me or other children and it breaks my heart. (A lot less lately but any amount is too many)

I can’t even put into words how upset I get everytime I see how frustrated she gets sometimes. I sit down next to her and try to relax her and calm her down and I’m desperately hoping that it’s just a faze that she will grow out of! That’s what they always say isn’t it.

I hate seeing the comments saying that parents should teach their kids right from wrong and I feel like a failure because of it. I’ve never let pops think it’s something that is okay in any way and she gets told off. I explain why she’s in trouble too. If that’s not doing enough feel free to tell me a better way to stop her doing it. I’m all ears. Really, I would appreciate the advice.

Have you got a toddler that bites, or one that used to bite?

What should we do with toddlers that bite? I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic as a parent with a biter or as a parent whose child has been bitten. Let’s discuss it and see how we can all work together to make things better!

Until the next post,
Are and Pops.

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