Does anyone have a toddler that isn’t really into drawing/painting/crafts of any kind? Do you ever wonder ‘Why does my child not like crafts?’

I have such hopes for Pops and i’ll go out and buy things but 2 minutes in and she’s bored and starts being cheeky (nice way of saying naughty?) Maybe it’s because we’ve not done it enough? I find the children I know who go to nursery are way more into it and actually sit and join in and I assume they do it alot at nursery so maybe that’s why?!


We actually managed to paint some eggs (well, 2) over easter but that also meant she was covered and the sofa was too… eek!

One day she will enjoy sitting down with me and making something special we can look back on in years to come but today, today I’ve just got a half painted smudgey egg to enjoy.

I want to organise more crafty sessions with Pops, do you and your little one craft a lot? How do you get them involved and interested?

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