While breastfeeding week is an opportunity to celebrate the incredible women who can breast feed their little ones, to promote the many benefits of breast feeding and to basically normalise something which should already be normal, I think it’s important we don’t lose sight of something really important.

Each parent has the right to choose what’s best for them and their little one without feeling judged or bad about themselves.

There are enough people out there who are beating us down to not need other women and mums do the same. We all make that choice for our kids and when we do we believe it’s best for them.

More education and support need to be out there, that’s true. Not just the ‘breast is best’ but actual support. One on one time and stories about how bad situations get better. It’s such a lonely experience when it’s not going right only to read about all these dream baby’s that latched straight away.

I am now a parent who has combination fed (breast and formula milk), bottle fed and currently one who breast feeds and I found no difference between the 3. I love my girls both the same and found no difference with my ability to bond.

Let’s stop judging other mums for a choice they make and whether it be to use formula or openly breast feed or a combination because all options are beautiful and fine.

Let’s just stand together and support each other because honestly, motherhood is bloody hard enough.

Until the next post,
Are and Pops.

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who shared their pictures of their feeding journey. Click on the photo to check out their blogs!

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