Mental health awareness – how we spent our Saturday.

A few weeks ago (roughly) I saw a free screening of Inside Out advertised in Cardiff and thought it would be a nice little day out and being free always helps.

It was run by the National Centre of Mental Health and is to create more awareness of mental health and the stigma around it.

The film was only part of the session, when we got there we were greeted by some friendly faces who explained why they were doing it and handed out some little free things

I had a talk with some of the organisers while pops was running around and it was so useful. I’ve been concerned about pops and her biting/anger and although they couldn’t tell me anything specific it was just nice to talk about my concerns. They did say it may get better when she starts going to school/nursery as most kids do, so we’ll see.

The day went from just for the sake of a free film to a really enjoyable, interesting and useful day- I like days like that!

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