When we had Pops we spent about a month sleeping downstairs because she just didn’t get on with her Moses basket. This time round I knew I wanted to look for a bed that was a little different.

I first saw the Summer Infant By Your Bed Sleeper at The Baby Show and it really stood out. The first thing that caught my eye were the colours, the teal and neutral grey go well with any decor and aren’t too loud and in your face. The bed can be used at different heights which allows you to use it with different types of beds. The legs of the cot slide under your bed so the baby is then rested on the bed, having the cot pushed right against the bed makes its close enough for baby to have the comfort of co- sleeping but they are out of your bed so it makes everyone’s sleep a lot safer. The mesh sides of the cot allow you to see in and if baby was to roll on their side they can still breath freely.

The heart attachment that comes with the bed clips on to the side of the bed and helps sooth baby, whether its the lullaby, nightlight or the vibration, there is something there to settle a baby.

The sides of the bed has two buttons which allows you to unlock the bed so baby can be rocked to sleep. When the bed is in the lock position I find it still rocks a bit which I’m not the biggest fan of as baby can somethings roll into the sides as the bed tilts and wake themselves up.

The bed can also be raised to a seated position, if that’s comfier for babies as they get older for naps throughout the day.

The Summer Infant By Your Bed Sleeper is a great choice for people who want the closeness but don’t feel comfortable co – sleeping.

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